Slouching Towards Oblivion

Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Eternal Grift

Prostitution is known as the "oldest profession", but that's only because religion needed to deflect - to blame someone else - to make themselves look good by comparison. So the god-knobbers have gone to great lengths to convince us that they're the "good people", and that all those honest hard-working whores made it up for themselves - that they couldn't possibly have learned it from the real pros.

Like everybody else, I get emails from the oddest places sometimes.

A couple that popped in yesterday:

- and -

From two supposedly different outfits, but which look suspiciously alike - probably because they have the same mailing address in North Carolina, and they both point to the same website, selling the same bullshit "miracle elixir".

Water. They're selling magic water.

Except of course, they're not really selling water - that's just how they offset some of the their marketing costs. What they're selling is the email list they generate as people click on the link and hand over their info in exchange for a little bias confirmation video - and hey, while you've here anyway, why not throw a few bucks in the collection plate?

And BTW, "The Oldest Profession", my dyin' ass.  Business starts with demand - somebody had to ask for it - and that's where Marketing comes in.

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