Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Today's Nerd Stuff

May the fake lord bless you and keep you, you glorious nerds.

There's always a pretty good argument to be made against spending so much money on things like space exploration when there are so many pressing needs here on the ground. But these projects can actually make us focus our attention more on cooperative endeavors, and make us a little less intent on blowing each other up.

They can also make us more cognizant of our shared humanity, and the need to support crazy ideas like education as a way of lifting people out of the cycle of ignorance poverty and crime, because if we want civilization to continue, we need more folks concentrating on building things up instead of burning them down.

Making this amazing science-y thing work necessitates the development of new materials and new techniques, and that means that some of the engineering itself has to be invented &/or discovered as they go.

We won't know right away how the world will benefit from all of this, but we're bound to see some really astounding new things for everyday use in the not-too-distant future - assuming of course, we don't let our politics fuck it all up for us.

Ed Note: Just the part about figuring out Lagrange Point 2 - I had no idea such things even exist. "Like little parking spots in space". Thank you, nerds.

The James Webb Telescope:

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