Every accusation is a confession
So when we hear Qult45's claims of "stolen election", we know that stealing elections is what they've done, or that's what they plan on doing as soon as they get a chance.
(there's some probability of election fuckery in the case of Mitch McConnell in 2020, seeing as how his approval rating was completely in the shitter, and he still skated thru by a big double-digit margin)
Anyway, by throwing that accusation at the Dems, they're trying to inoculate themselves.
Process -
GOP: (without evidence) Voter fraud!
Dems: Don't be daft - there's no voter fraud
Dems: (with evidence) Election fraud!
GOP: But you already said there's no fraud - hypocrisy!
Likewise, when we hear the GOP saying the John Lewis Voting Rights bill is the Dems' attempt at a federal takeover of elections (gotta look out for states' rights dontcha know), then we know there has to be some kind of Republican heist in the works.
Mehdi Hassan (subbing for Rachel):
BTW, let's address a Style Book issue that I think Press Poodles need to work on:
- Stop calling any of this crap a "conspiracy theory"
- It's not a theory - it doesn't even rise to the status of hypothesis
- Instead, call it a "conspiracy fantasy" or maybe a "conspiracy myth"
- Using the word "theory" gives it weight that it doesn't deserve, and lends credence to False Equivalence
It's like a campy super villian lair, complete with a sign saying this is NOT a criminal lair.