Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, February 28, 2022

Ukraine Stuff

Sky News UK - a quick assessment of Putin's Fuckup

After 30 years of Kleptocratic bloating, Russia has been badly hollowed out. So I don't think it's unreasonable to believe the same has need happening to the Russian military.

Think about the shenanigans at the Pentagon. We don't know how much of the $700 billion gets "lost" every year because of corruption-prone practices and outright graft - partly because so much of the budget is kept so secret that not even the few congress critters who're still more or less honest, and are supposed to be privy to the information get to see what's actually happening too our money.

There's still lots of shit that the Russian invasion forces can pull, but so far, they've badly underperformed, while those magnificent Ukrainian bastards are rompin'-n-stompin'.

Let's hope the first Russian units weren't just a "softening-up" thing, to test the Ukrainian defenses so the main force can charge in and sweep the joint clean.

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