Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Today's Oy

A tweet from Congress Critter Madison Cawthorn:

At first blush, it's the easy shot to call him an idiot and blow it off.

But he's not an idiot. At least, he's not the kind of idiot who doesn't know that legislation doesn't just fall out of the sky all neatly wrapped for him to peruse.

He's already had opportunity to know what's in the thing. It's been rattling around in various forms, in various committees for a while now, so he's not in the dark on this shit. He's got staffers who wrangle that kinda thing for him and they know what's in it even if he insists on staying willfully ignorant of it.

So what's the deal?

Here's the deal: Cawthorn knows his constituents are waiting to be the fools who get fooled into believing everyone but them is the fool. And a lot of those fools are at least partly aware that they've been fooled and are still going along with it because they need to be "on the inside" as they and their buddy Mr Cawthorn make fools of all those fools.

Confused? Me too - and that, ladies and germs - that's pretty much the whole fuckin' point.

If I can get you addled and frustrated enough, you'll eventually throw up your hands and leave me to my devices to "solve the problem" for you.

Of course the "solution" will be flashy, and probably expensive, but largely with no real substance or efficacy. It's just a win for our side - which, to Cawthorn and the Plutocrats, means little more than putting your dollars in their pockets.

That's how we do things here

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