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May 3, 2022

Humans Kinda Suck Sometimes

I realize 'Godfather II' and 'Casino' and 'Bugsy' aren't documentaries, but c'mon - do they think if the dirt in the desert managed to recede, they wouldn't find a whole big bunches of stiffs?

I guess I'm just wondering why it seems like these guys are surprised that dead bodies are being discovered in areas surrounding one of the biggest mobbed-up joints in this country.

Fox5 Las Vegas:

ABC13 Las Vegas:

And then, what do the politicos intend to do about things? They blab about making deals on impoundment and sharing - which is all about what can be done now - I get that - but they never once said anything about addressing the drivers of climate change that're causing of all this shit.

In the west, water is power. Watch this as it unfolds, cuz we're probably going to see this play out all over.

ABC13 Las Vegas:

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