Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, November 04, 2022

Storm Talk

"It's tough to make predictions - especially about the future." --Yogi Berra

There's an awful lot of what I think right now is not much more than loose talk (equivocate much, Mikey?)

There's all kinds of tough-guy posturing - which prob'ly has about a 15% chance of leading to anything but lots of drunk MAGA rubes sitting around grumbling and muttering and pissin'-n-moanin', which is what they do best after they've raged themselves silly with their highly practiced bluff & bluster.

Of course, this could be wishful - even magical - thinking on my part.

But if these barstool warriors couldn't muster themselves to do anything but shit in the rotunda at the Capitol - when they had at least one weapons stash in Virginia, and guys with boats to ferry them across the Potomac - why am supposed to buy all this bullshit now?

Boats? Really?

Trump and QAnon and Bannon and the pillow guy and a host of others have been making threats and predicting big things for years now, and nothing happens. Nothing ever happens.

That's not to say there won't be incidents. There will be incidents. Because these assholes are going to drag this thing out, hoping to get enough rubes amped up to spark the revolution. I'm not convinced that'll play out, but we're going to see plenty of examples of how Stochastic Terrorism works.

Expect better, and prepare for worse.

Jordan Klepper

JK: That's how the democratic process works - sometimes the person you want to win doesn't get enough votes, and you accept it and you move on.
JK: Who do yo think won the last election?
MAGA: Trump

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