Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, November 28, 2022

Today's Oy

Twitter isn't the cess pool we all thought it might be by now, although it's certainly moving in that direction, and it seems to be picking up steam.

I've seen some changes in what the algorithm feeds me, and because I'm drawing some pretty heavy fire from certain quarters, I'm guessing Elmo got rid of the Safety and Disinformation gang so as to get people to mix it up and make it more "exciting" (?)

"Free speech is an absolute." --Elmo Musk

According to my Twitter Analytics, my best Engagement numbers this week came courtesy of a reply to one of my tweets about the 2nd amendment.

From Kevin Sorbo:
Translated: "They're coming for your guns!!!!!"

I replied:

And this guy jumped in with:

So here's my chicken-or-egg thing for today:
Are the rubes ignorant because "conservatives" have taught them to be proud of their ignorance? Or did they start out dumb as a mud fence, and "conservatives" are just propagating it so they can cash in on it?

All my life, I've heard how Americans are industrious and honest and kind - and (with apologies to The Scout Law) brave, clean, and reverent. And I guess I just always figured you can't very well live up to all that stuff if you don't have the brains to know what any of it means.

The whole big fuckin' mess has become far more insidious than just: "Don't worry - be happy".

This is: "You don't have to know anything but how to run the machines and fill out the paperwork. Let your 'betters' do the thinking and make the decisions."

--Frank Dobey

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