Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Jake Broe

As jake points out, these goofballs "brainstorming" on Russian TV (at about 16:30) sound like Bond villains - or something straight out of an Austin Powers movie. It could also be Dr Strangelove, when the Rooskies tell us about their Doomsday Scheme.

It's like they know they're going to lose this thing - and lose it badly - so they're trying to "reassure" their people by threatening to annihilate the whole world if it looks like Putin's about to get beat, so everyone needs to be fully on board to make sure we don't lose (?)

Or they may be painting the worst possible picture of the worst possible outcome in order to minimize the loss and sell it with, "Hey, c'mon - it coulda been worse ... Putin's actually the hero here - he taught the west a lesson, and now he's ended the war Special Operation, and everything can get back to the way it was before NATO threatened us, and blah blah blah."

Turn that around, and you may have the military command structure trying to tell the Russian people just how crazy Putin is, and they'd best be getting out in the streets - or doing whatever they have to do - to take this regime down before they blow everything up.

Makes my head hurt.

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