Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Today's Glorious Nerds

Galaxies dancing

Pillars Of Creation

Ring Nebula


95% of our universe is made up of something we can't see or feel or hear. But it's there - we call it dark matter, or dark energy - because it has to be there, because there's no such thing as 'nothing'. Empty space is not empty.

This needs to be seen as a significant moment. It feels like we're at a weird place in our evolution - like hominins in Africa a few million years ago. We're up on our hind legs, and our little simian brains are developing pretty well, but while we may have given it a name, we still have no fucking clue what the wind is.

One question:
How can a galaxy be more than 33 billion light years away in a universe that's 14 billion years old?

You make my head hurt, nerds - but in a good way - so keep doin' that.

One other question:
Why can't we concentrate on this kinda thing, and stop with all that other shit like war and conquest and domination?

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