Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Still A Problem

From Reddit:

MAQA Friend who thought it was all a hoax is dying from long COVID.

We're almost 50 and we've been good friends since high school so this really sucks and I feel partly to blame. It's hard to walk in the middle of the road politically and hate everyone equally but that's how I try to view things. My opinion for years has been that none of these rich bastards care about us average citizens.

Enter my friend who has become a die hard trumper since 2016 and a proud member of the fuck your feelings crowd. Everyday during Trump's presidency he was constantly posting memes and just generally being an ass to anyone who disagreed with him. His views are the same as a lot of others, COVID isn't real, the doctors are all lying, and the only one telling the truth was Trump. He would bash the doctors and anyone even wearing a mask outside would catch hell from him.

After a while I had enough and started trolling the trumpers on my friends list with just random funny memes blasting trump and the gop. I was just doing it for laughs because I refuse to take social media seriously. He pretty much immediately started commenting rude shit on my posts and wanting to argue q conspiracies and other bs. When I would ignore him he would even go to my spouses page to go on about some stuff I posted that he didn't agree with.

Here is where my personal blame comes in to play. I started saying things to him like "if you don't want to trust the doctors now then just stay home when you get COVID and spare them your bs." I'd say "do you ask what they are putting in your iv at the hospital? If you don't trust the doctors how do you know it's not the vaccine?" This was just me trolling trying to get him to realize how dumb he sounds with all the Q bs. He took it serious because he did get COVID really bad and he refused to go to the hospital for weeks. It wasn't until his girlfriend threatened to leave him if he didn't go.

Apparently it was such a huge issue that they did eventually split up. Because he waited he now has long COVID and his heart is only working at 20 percent. He is dying from heart failure. He has also lost his voice from COVID and sounds like the crypt keeper when he talks.

We have both admitted to each other it was stupid and we both apologized but I can feel the animosity towards me and I can't help but feel partly to blame for him not going to the hospital, but at the same time I get so sick and tired of the Q crowds disrespect toward anyone that doesn't agree with them. His rhetoric was starting to affect my teenage sons views but now hopefully he sees the real danger of this cult.

It's a really sad fucked up situation and I hate that it's going to cost my friend his life. He has lost everything over this. His job, his car, his gf, his family, health, friends, everything.

Thanks for reading.

2,209 new cases
8 new deaths

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