Jun 5, 2024

Foreign Affairs

  • It's my contention that all authoritarian regimes are, by their nature, Right Wing.
  • It's my contention that there's no such thing as a Left Wing authoritarian regime.
The Chinese Communist Party has been authoritarian and autocratic from the beginning.

Falun Gong is no different, it's just that they grew out of the old ways of the Chinese imperial dynasties, with some perverse, monstrously affectatious element of "spirituality" attached to it, in an attempt to give itself some kind of gravitas or credibility.

So yeah - they're pitted against each other - both wanting supreme power over people.

And Falun Gong is no more "religious" than the American evangelicals. It's politics, just as religion has always been politics.

And every business, every church, every political organization needs PR.

BTW, I told ya BKjr is a fuckin' loon.

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