Jun 22, 2024

Justice Delayed

One thing:
It's being shown by a lot of Federalist Society-chosen Article 3 judges that precedent doesn't matter. They're cherry-picking everything, and they'll blow up decades of stare decisis when it fits whatever this "originalist" bullshit means to any given jurist.

We need to stop expecting these people to do what's right.

From the comments:
Judge Aileen Cannon held another useless day long hearing where she entertained the idea that Jack Smith’s appointment as Special Counsel was somehow invalid. Once again Cannon got her idea for the hearing from her usual source. ie: Fox News or some other wingnut outlet. Cannon took a straightforward case that should have been easy for any other Judge to try and get to verdict but in Cannon’s hands the case is an unmitigated disaster. She has held multiple day long hearings that resulted in nothing but delaying the case. Exactly what Trump wanted.

There is no doubt that Judge Cannon is running a law firm from the bench to benefit her one client, Donald Trump.

She is not representing the justice system. She is not adjudicating the case in the matter required by law. She is not a fair and impartial Judge. She is just another in a long line of quisling simps for Donald Trump. And she has bet her entire career on Donald Trump getting elected and promoting her up the chain - Supreme Court? or maybe Attorney General? I would not be surprised to discover that she is wearing a cheap blue suit and too long red Trump tie under her robes and probably Trump sneakers as well. Aileen Cannon is the ultimate MAGA. And that may very well backfire on her after Trump’s defeat this November.

What recourse is there for a runaway and fully corrupted judge like Cannon? The first stop is with her colleagues on the bench. They tried to get her off the case but Cannon refused. And we know why. Cannon has no real concept of justice. She sees her job as defending Trump. She is committed to delaying or dismissing the case against Trump.

We have to operate from the assumption that Cannon will never allow this case to get to a jury or even to a trial. That is the reality. And like so many other MAGA’s, she seems prepared to sacrifice herself, her career and possibly even her freedom for Donald Trump.

When Trump loses, I hope the DOJ takes a long hard look at Cannon’s actions on behalf of Trump and against the people of the United States. Her corruption is obvious, as is her attempts to obstruct justice. Judge Aileen Cannon must face justice for her potential crimes in service to Donald Trump. America will not survive the open and obvious corruption of our judicial system by Cannon and other MAGA judges.

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