Jun 22, 2024

Compare & Contrast

Obama started his 1st term under the worst economic conditions in 40 years, and he got us through it - in spite of Mitch McConnell's commitment to obstruct everything Obama tried to do.

Trump takes office in 2017 as we're coming out of that shit, and already well on the way back to real prosperity. Then along comes COVID-19, and he chokes - Trump froze at exactly the wrong time - exactly as Hillary warned us he would. He "led" the worst response to the pandemic in the whole fucking world. Enough people recognize what a fuckup he is, and he loses by almost 8 million votes in 2020.

Biden takes over in 2021 with an average of 3,000 - 5,000 Dead Americans every day.
We were hoarding beans and rice and powdered milk FFS. Lysol spray disinfectant was being peddled on the black market. They were using refrigerated semi trailers as morgues, burying the dead in mass graves, people were wiping their asses with coffee filters, and creating a huge demand for retrofit bidets.

Nobody doesn't know that Biden's an old fuck - he glitches on occasion - he dodders - I've always had problems with his style, and his policies have seemed like they were all over the place. But his experience and his ability to make the government work, and his leadership have so far saved us - pulling us back from the brink of a disaster that could've made The Great Depression look like a day at the beach.

Biden's people are knockin' it outa the park - over the bleachers and thru the parking lot and down the street.

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