Jul 18, 2024

Cut The Crap

... and speak the truth.

Why am I being expected simply to go along with whatever the fuck the party elites tell me?

I reckon I'm still going to vote for Democrats - BLUE NO MATTER WHO and all that - but it's not a sure thing unless I'm satisfied that they're telling me what's actually going on here.

Because feeling like I'm stuck - that I have to vote their way - and that they're sittin' there all smug and shit, having maneuvered in a way that hems me in. That's about the the shittiest thing anybody can do. And if that's the case, I'm going to resent that for a right long time - and I'm really good at nursing a grudge.

Why is my vote for Biden & Harris in the primary being dismissed and discarded?
What is it about Biden's work as POTUS that you don't like?
How is this not rerunning the kinda shit that cost Hillary the election in 2016?
Is anybody ever going to stand up and tell me the fucking truth?

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