Jul 13, 2024

Fuck This Shit

Trump got part of his right ear shot off by a would be assassin today.

The shooter is dead, one spectator is dead, and at least two others (at this writing) are seriously wounded.

I will not mourn the passing of the jerk who fired the shots. I won't celebrate his extermination, but I'm not sorry to see him gone.

This seems like a pretty good time to say something like what Biden said an hour or two ago - ie: This sucks and we need to stop doing this kinda shit.

But we're dealing with Donald Trump here, so absolutely nothing is out of bounds when it comes to trying to cash in on anything that happens.

And of course, we can count on the Press Poodles to reward his "fighting spirit" - because that's exactly what they're doing right now, as I listen to the coverage.

Now the fuckwads on MSNBC are doubling down of their 2016 playbook - "two deeply flawed candidates, who are fiercely hated outside of their own base of loyal voters, and blah blah blah".

And the kicker - dickhead Don Jr couldn't resist fanning the flames, blaming "the radical left...".

“I just spoke to my father on the phone and he is in great spirits,” Trump Jr. said in a statement. “He will never stop fighting to save America, no matter what the radical left throws at him.”

Let me hazard a guess, and say we're about to hear some very inflammatory shit from MAGA.

BTW, anybody who says something like, "This is not who we are", should be reminded that right about half of our sitting or former presidents have been shot or shot at.

Get fucking real - this is exactly who we are.

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