Jul 14, 2024

Tit For Tat

On August 3, 2019, some Texas dickhead - having claimed enmity for immigrants because of the "Hispanic invasion at our southern border", and praising the anti-Muslim asshole who killed 51 in Christchurch NZ 5 months earlier - killed 23 at a Walmart in El Paso.

On January 6, 2021, Trump supporters rioted in DC, getting a cop killed, one of their own killed, and hundreds injured in the process.

On October 28, 2022, a wingnut broke into Nancy Pelosi's house, and finding that she wasn't home, proceeded to beat her husband Paul with a hammer.

And on, and on, and on.

So I'm wondering if yesterday's assassination attempt makes us even.

But no. Do you wanna know how really bad it is? Think about how the guy who shoot at Trump was a registered Republican, wearing a wingnut t-shirt, as he tried to kill the leader of his own cult.

That's one take on it. And of course, it's not likely to stick, because the wingnut conspiracy mill is spinning up, and I imagine we're about to see all manner of wild shit thrown into the mix.

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