Jul 11, 2024

Go Small To Play Big

A Biden/Harris window sticker, or a yard sign, or talking positively in casual conversation at the bar - these are all good for a coupla more votes.

But every time you shit-talk Biden, or politics in general - every time you complain about not having the choices you want - you're giving somebody else permission to stay home, or to write in Harold Stassen, or reason to believe the Both Sides bullshit, or whatever. So stop it.

When we can't count on 40-60% of Americans to show up and vote - the absolute least you can do to serve this country - over time, our little experiment in democratic self-governance ends with barely a whimper.

I'm not saying everybody needs to be a rah-rah for government. There's plenty about government in general - and this government in particular - that sucks.

So how do we change that?

In a democracywe get to change that.

Get with a local campaign and write some postcards for somebody running for city council, or county commissioner, or state representative, or whatever.

Good things - and bad ones too - grow from the ground up.

Refusing to participate in democracy
is the same as voting against democracy.
And if you vote against democracy,
don't be surprised when you
never get to vote for it again.

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