Jul 11, 2024

Unrestrained Demons

People have been falling for this kinda shit for a long time.

My mom used to tell the story of going to visit some older rural-folk relatives in North Dakota (late 1940s maybe?), and how her dad's aunt would run from the room when a light bulb needed changing, because she feared the 'lectrical might leak out of the light socket and kill her.

Disruption can be legitimately very frightening, but ultimately very good. Or it can be very bad, while cynically manipulative people try to convince us it's all just peachy dandy.

We get legitimately confused, and I'm not going to pretend I know how to sort it all out.

But I know we don't arrive at factual conclusions if we rely solely on our favorite bias-confirming news sources, or on our pontificating friends, or your favorite blogger, or if we just shrug it off and ignore it.

I'm trying to keep some of this in mind next time somebody starts in on Solar Panels or Climate Change denial - or any of the numerous things we need to be making good decisions about.

And it's not likely to get any easier as we dive deeper into the land of AI.

Stay on your toes.

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