Jul 29, 2024

Racist Is As Racist Does

They say "DEI token hire" so they can pretend they're not thinking "ni@@er".

Anybody else think it's a little odd that the Non-Woke, Anti-PC folks are being so woke and PC?

And BTW - are they saying that every women with a job is a DEI case?
  • Every employee with brown skin?
  • Every disabled vet working a job?
  • Every minority in college?
  • Every Latina with her own business?
  • Every woman with her own mortgage?
  • Every Muslim with a car loan?
They might as well be telling us straight out that they think no one is qualified for anything - nobody deserves, or could possibly have earned anything - if they're not a white man.

They get criticized for their racist attitudes, and they defend themselves in the most racist, misogynist, hateful way possible.

When you say ignorant hateful things
about a woman in a position of power
she doesn't hear you.
But your mom hears you
Your sisters hear you
Your aunts and nieces hear you
Your daughter hears you

And it tells them something
about you

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