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Aug 22, 2024

About The Unity Theme

I get it, Democrats. I get it, Republicans. I get it, Libertarians and Independents and Greenies and Progressives and all y'all.

Honest - I fuckin' get it. We have to be able to look past our differences and figure out how to make common cause.

And I want to do that, and I swear to fake Jesus I've been trying. 

I even have "faith" that we'll get back there, and I'm holding out hope we can all kiss and make up before I'm dead and gone.

But let me echo some of what came thru over the last few days at the DNC Convention:
  • This is a fight that pits the principles of democratic self-governance against a very hard push towards a corporate-style plutocracy.
  • The other side isn't talking about going back the 1950s, or the 1850s. They're trying to drag us back to the 1750s - when there was a landed gentry that held all the wealth, all the privilege, and all the power, and everybody else stayed put and took whatever the bosses dished out
If we're arguing the relative merits of raising the earnings cap to better fund Social Security, and we can both agree that jiggering the tax code is the way to go - or maybe making it more means-dependent or whatever - and we're just haggling over the details on how to get it done so people are better cared for, then we're good.

But if I'm up against somebody who insists on privatizing it and turning it over to Wall Street,
and he won't let go of his "tax-n-spend libruls are agents of the devil" bullshit,
and he seems not to care what happens to old people (hey, they shoulda planned better),
don't expect me to play nice with that fuckin' yahoo.

So there can be reconciliation, but not without acknowledgement that what MAGA has been trying to do is to follow Grover Norquist's prescription - to shrink the government (ie: whittle away at democracy) so it would eventually be small enough to drown it in the bathtub.

Putting it a slightly different way:

Telling me you regret voting for Trump is like
telling me you're sorry you fucked my dog.
I can be charitable enough to forgive,
and we can talk it through,
and we can move on.
But here's the thing:
You will always be that guy
who was going around
fuckin' people's dogs. 

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