Aug 27, 2024

Don't Make Me Look

I ask myself what it is I want done about "the homeless problem"?
  • How do we house everybody?
  • Can we house everybody?
  • How do we identify the causes &/or the remedies?
  • and and and
When I hear somebody either fretting about "those poor people", or spouting off about "lazy bums", I don't know if they want to do something positive about it, or if they just don't want to see it - like they want to sweep up "the undesirables" and dispose of them.

These problems of homelessness - and migration - and the cycle of poverty, ignorance, and crime are just going to get worse.

In fact, these problems are starting to accelerate as Climate Change picks up the pace.

And as the problems driven by migration due to Climate Change increase, so will the political desire for a "strong hand to keep it all in line."

Weirdly, as efforts to solve problems become more dependent on collective action, we get more resistance from the "rugged individualist" crowd, while at the same time, they push for a strong leader to bring us all together to make the bad things go away - or something like that. It's all very contradictory, and the harder I try to make sense of it, the more it hurts my brain.

Crisis is the surest way to get people to give up their individuality and knuckle under to top-down authoritarian rule.

Seems pretty clear that's why we hear Republicans telling us about
  1. Crisis at the border
  2. Crisis of crime
  3. Crisis of illegal immigrants
  4. Crisis of National Debt
  5. Crisis of inflation
  6. Caravans
  7. Fentanyl
  8. Cartels
  9. MS13
  10. Dangerous vaccines
  11. Antifa
  12. 5G mind control
  13. Weather weapons
  14. (go to #1 above)
We hear about nothing but one crisis for a few days, and then it's on to next, and then on to the next, and on and on and on, until the rubes are ready to start it over.

Enough of this crap already. I'm sick to fuckin' death of this attempt at Government By WWE Promo - we tried that - it's bullshit.

Given me calm, competent, believable leadership, along with an opposition party that can offer something other than cruelty, immiseration and death.

Paraphrasing Bill Clinton:

These are our problems.
Can you help us solve them?

These are our opportunities.
Can you help us seize them?

These are our fears.
Can you help us ease them?

These are our dreams.
Can you help us achieve them?

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