Aug 27, 2024

This Fuckin' Guy

This man. This ex-president. This "exemplar for the people":
  • Do you think he's ever cooked a meal for any of his wives?
  • Baked cookies with his kids?
  • Made deviled eggs for a picnic?
  • Has he ever driven an hour to help a friend with car trouble?
  • Helped a neighbor move some heavy furniture?
  • He has 5 kids - has he ever changed a diaper? Swaddled? Sat up with whooping cough?
  • Dozed off on the couch with one of his kids asleep on his chest? 
  • Has he ever fed the dog? Does he have a dog? Any pets at all?
  • Has he ever tended a flower garden or even watered a house plant?
  • Has he worked up a household chores schedule with roommates?
  • Has he ever built or fixed anything with his own hands?
  • Worried about making rent?
  • Stood vigil at the bedside of a dying relative?
  • Sat around a campfire and told ghost stories or sang songs?
  • Hiked up to tree line?
  • Cleaned up after a party?
  • Been moved to tears by music or other great art?
  • Lost sleep worrying about a friend?
  • Been in love?
  • Has he lain on his back and gazed at the sky?
Is there even the slightest hint of tenderness, or honor, or human decency anywhere in him?

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