Aug 30, 2024

It's A Reality Show

It's easy enough to assume someone's affinities would match up a little bit with a candidate or a celebrity they choose to support or hang out with or whatever.

And sometimes, that's a mistake because we know there are people in the world who have a very flexible relationship with morality and honesty and such, and a mortgage can be a very powerful motivator.

I get it - I don't have to like you in order to do business with you, or to make common cause politically.

So it's always a pretty good idea to look for confirmation - is that asshole actually an asshole? Because sometimes they're just being an asshole to fit a role they're playing. And this is especially true when considering guys like Donald Trump and Hulk Hogan. They don't care if they're the hero or the heel as long as the check don't bounce.

I think Hulk Hogan is the asshole he appears to be.

And remember what Grandma said:
People will know you
by the crowd you run with.

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