Aug 30, 2024

The Kamala-McDonald's Crisis

MAGA spares no effort to manufacture controversy.

"Kamala Failed To Include McDonald's On Her Resumé: What Is She Hiding!?!"

"McDonald's Records Show No Trace Of Kamala Harris Being Employed There"

Corporate records of employees and franchisees are kept for the requisite period (3 - 7 years, depending on the state regs).

There are no records of franchise employees retained at the corporate level - that's up to the individual restaurant to comply with their resident state's law.

And I can't fucking believe:
  1. Anybody would spend any time cooking this shit up
  2. The rubes are still so fucking gullible they're willing to think this nonsense is a real issue
And that points up the problem. All they have to do is to keep throwing as much shit in the air as possible, and we have to address it or risk the probability that people will assume, "Well the Dems aren't doing anything to disprove it, so I guess there must be something to it."

It's like we go out of our way to be The Stupid Country.

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