Sep 2, 2024

More On The Arlington Thing

Trump is defending his shitty behavior by blaming the family of the dead uniform - because of course he is, because he's a weak little shit-waffle - excusing his actions by saying first, he had no idea about any of it, but then saying the family invited him to do it.

I think the family probably got the idea because Trump's helpers suggested it to them.

And anyway, It doesn't matter if some random family invited you to steal their nephew's car - you stole a car and that means you're guilty of theft. Because you stole a fucking car.

It's too typical - and it's perfectly in line with the usual gaslighting bullshit - the guy says he's the smartest dude ever, but he keeps getting suckered into doing really stoopid shit.

So which is it? Both can't be true at the same time.

If you're all that smart, then you don't get suckered.
If you keep getting suckered, then you ain't all that smart.

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