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Showing posts with label derp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label derp. Show all posts

Jun 6, 2018

Why, WaPo?

I think I'll label this one "Glibertarian Bullshit".

David Von Drahle:
I’ve tried everything to avoid thinking about the next election — family travel, yard work, crossword puzzles. But now it’s only five months away, barely longer than the gestation period of a North American beaver, or the Stanley Cup playoffs. November can’t be avoided any longer.
In this climate of political frenzy, anyone who tries to predict the outcome must be either deluded or clairvoyant. Yet we’re close enough, perhaps, to see some key features of the battlefield.
For instance: There will be no Trump collapse.
From the moment late in 2016 when Hillary Clinton’s formless, themeless, listless campaign handed the White House to Donald Trump (assisted by Comrade Putin), Democrats have been counting on the reckless, heedless, careless novice to return the favor. Rather than melt down, though, President Trump is gaining strength.
After a rocky start, the president has cut himself loose from the highly unpopular Congress to create a clear account of his unusual reign, which he repeats with unflagging discipline. He’s a rulebreaker who gets results, and the enemies of change are conspiring to stop him. This is a polarizing message, indeed. But Trump appears to understand that popularity and unpopularity aren’t necessarily opposites. They can be partners: Emotion runs both ways.
Coupla things:

1) I'm really not in the mood for any more of this kinda derpy crap - where it's just a game, and guys like Von Drehle pretend they're above it all, and gee golly it's fun to watch these Republican jerks as they take away people's healthcare; their rights as both workers and American citizens; as they deliver more power to themselves and their wealthy patrons. Yeah, boy, that's entertainment alright.
2) Saying "the Democrats don't have a message" is old and trite, deliberately ignorant of the current state of politics, and totally disrespectful of the majority of Americans who aren't dumb enough to believe that the real answers to real policy questions can be boiled down to fit on some stoopid bumper sticker. You might as well go on trying to convince us that the GOP is the party of Family Values and the Rule of Law when it's obviously made up of crooks and thieves being mindlessly supported by rubes and bigots.
Please - try just a bit harder to get your crown chakra out of your root chakra.