Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label gif. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gif. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Today's GIF

I’m an academic who cares deeply about how lying affects communication processes and social relationships. One of the most important and consistent truths about deception is that we are all mostly honest. Most people tell one or two small lies per day, on average, and there are only a few prolific liars in our social circles.

Rates of interpersonal deception — the lies I tell you and you tell me — have been remarkably stable in deception research over time. But, as others suggested, something is unusual about President Trump. His rate of deception has increased since taking office.

As of early April, Trump has told 23.3 lies per day in 2020, a 0.5-lie increase since 2019. What’s more, Trump has averaged 23.8 lies per day since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in the US — another 0.5-lie increase. Even during a pandemic, when the public needs to trust and rely on him the most, deception remains a core part of the president’s playbook.

The piece goes on to talk about 45*'s patterns of lying, and even though it filters out the "Trump lies all the time about everything" meme, it confirms for me that Cult45 is deeply invested in classic Daddy State gaslighting, in service of an agenda that's anything but "The best for the most".

Money quote:

Trump’s lies are problematic because they force us to question our institutions and the value of information. Their consequences might also bleed into our everyday meaningful relationships. Our trust in government, media, and other institutions remain quite low, but we still tend to trust one another.

What happens when our distrust in government affects our trust in family or friends? When we fail to value truth and instead, prioritize alternative facts or self-serving discourse, the fabric that holds our relationships together begins to fray.


The Daddy State tells us lies as a means of demonstrating its power.

The lies have practically nothing to do with the subject - or the apparent object - of the lies.

Lying about everything is a way to condition us - to make us accept the premise that they can do anything they want ...


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Big Breakthrough

Cult45 is pleased so announce that a new and exciting COVID-19 cure has been developed and will be available at a Walmart near you very soon.

There's also a DIY kit for all you rugged individualists.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Today's GIF

Meet Brian Harrison - our Senior Lead on the Department of Health and Human Services Coronoavirus Task Force.

Is that your confidence swelling, or are you just glad to see me?

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

New Motto

There's just two kinds of people in this world - and you should avoid them both.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Friday, February 28, 2020

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Not To Worry

 The guy who can't quite master the intricate workings of an umbrella; has no idea how the Civil War got started, and then wondered why Andrew Jackson didn't do more to stop it; believed Colorado is a border state; thinks healthcare insurance costs about 12 bucks a year; thought Canadians burned the White House; asked why we can't just nuke the hurricanes; and claimed windmills cause cancer - 

- that's the guy who went on national TV yesterday to tell us COVID-19 is no big deal, and if it is a big deal, we're ready for it.

And anyway, the warm weather will fix it.

We are so fucked.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Today's GIF

Well - you've never seen his footprints, have you?

So there ya go.