Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Reconstruction (predate)

I remember nothing from the time they came to get me in the Pre-Op room and when they installed me in my regular bed.  I was of course hoping to remember having said something witty and brave, but there's literally nothing there.  I must be incredibly susceptible to the affects of the narcotics they're using these days.

The original plan was to get to the room and try to get up and around that afternoon.  But that didn't work out, so they came in the next day.  I don't mind telling you I was shocked at the level of pain the first time I got out of that bed.  I don't think I managed my morphine very well.

Reconstruction (update)

Got here at about 8am Thur, 7-28; going home today (Sun 7-31) at about 11am.  It's weird because I don't feel that much different in some respects.  eg: It hurts a lot when I move in certain ways.   I have to remember that Dr Browne has fixed the main dysfunctions, and so the main causes of pain in my hip are gone now, replaced by new causes of pain, but ones which will heal and improve, and cause less pain as time passes.

There's a subtle shift in mindset that actually flips me over from entropy and disintegration, to  an outlook considerably more in keeping with my general expectations for improvement and advancement.

I think a lot of people see me as cynical, but I believe my outlook is pretty optimistic.  I think you have to work pretty hard to maintain an appropriate level of skepticism, so I'm sure that gets misperceived as cynicism.  What I'm talking about is pushing things forward, gently or aggressively, according to what the facts dictate is possible to achieve.  For the first time in a good stretch of years, I have the feeling that on a personal level, I have a real shot at making things better.  I'm enough of a Randian to understand that as I make myself better for myself, I have a better shot at making the rest of my little corner of the world better for everybody who shares it with me.  That's how it's always worked before anyway, so here's hopin'.

Reconstruction (update)

Prob'ly going home today.  2 pretty good nights in a row.  Mostly headaches are the big problem, because (I think) when I sleep on my back, slightly elevated, I end up with some tension in my neck that gives me the headache.  Dunno - could also be caffeine withdrawal - just guessing.  Nobody else seems to know much either.

It always amazes me that the hospital is where you go to get better, but for whatever reason, you feel bad the whole time you're there.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Here's an approximation of what my left hip looks like, compared with normal:

By this time tomorrow, I should be chillin' in the recovery room under the influence of heavy sedation, with my brand new, store-bought hip joint in place.

Not looking forward to 3 days in the hospital, and 6 weeks of nuthin' but rehab before I can start doing what I wanna do, but if I get to walk around like a normal human again, I'll take whatever they're offering.

I hope to be able to do some updates while I'm stuck in bed over the weekend.  If nothing else, I'll see y'all on the other side.