Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2016

That Leadership Thing

The first two nights in Cleveland, the GOP speakers have tried mightily to portray Obama (and Hillary) as some kinda disaster when it comes to how the world views USAmerica Inc - like we're somehow flailing about and we're not where we should be and we're not doing what we're supposed to be doing etc etc etc.

Take a look at the numbers of people in various countries saying they have confidence in American Leadership:

Every day, in every way, the GOP just gets worse.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The I's Have It

I'm not contending that this says more than it says; or that it's indicative of any deeper meaning.

But it does line up pretty well with what we're always being told about leaders and leadership.

hat tip = (#1 Son) NN

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

What They Don't Tell Ya

"They" want us to believe (need us to believe, actually) that this:
...was an integral part of this:
 ...and this:

But it wasn't.

It was staged.  Hard for me to imagine anything sadder...

...except for how the "conservatives" are busy slagging Obama for not going there himself, and/or for not sending some high-profile representative, but c'mon, guys - if he was there, you'd be slagging him for doing another phony photo-op.  Get some new material - you're making this too easy.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

What Does Leadership Look Like?

Go ahead - tell me there's no difference.  Tell me it doesn't matter who you vote for.  Tell me you're gonna sit on your ass and just let the shit happen.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Relaxed And Groovy

When Repubs are in the White House, we get Up With People and Pat Boone and Toby Keith - and it seems like everybody in the country's walking around with a big stick up their butts.

Put Dems in charge, and we get BB King and Derek Trucks and Mick Jagger - and even tho' we have plenty of big problems to sort out, and lots of very heated arguments to get through, it all just feels a little better now.  Dunno why.  It just does.

But - you know - all them politicians; they're all the same.  There's no difference.  

Are you fucking kidding!?!

Leadership is hard to put your finger on.  It doesn't lend itself well to objective measurements and the stuff they teach you in Business School about Planning and Action Items and Progress Metrics and the like.  It's difficult to see by direct observation, but leadership - management style - is always well-reflected in the postures and attitudes of the people in the organization.  Help people get their feet under them, let them get a little leverage, and you won't fucking believe what they can do.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Out On A Limb

Obama gets blasted a lot from a lot of different directions.  I'm not gonna put up a list here because this is a blog, and I can say whatever bullshit I feel like saying, and I don't have to back it up or nuthin', so there.

Here's what I think is happening.  Right now, I'm kinda back to where it looks like Obama really is way out in front of us, and we're just starting to catch up with him.

The short version is this: When he "fucks up" - eg: no Public Option, Taxes vs Cuts, etc - he's not looking for everybody to shut up and go along with him (he's not Jr Bush for fuck's sake), he's looking for as many people as possible to stand up and holler and make him do what we want him to do.

So sign the petitions and call your Congress Critter, and send emails and...well, you know, PARTICPATE, you lazy fucks.  The guy can't do it all by himself.