It doesn't matter that your message is perfect if nobody's willing to hear it. Sound requires transmitter, medium, and receiver (voice, air, ear). If I choose not to hear what you're saying, you can talk 'til you're blue in the face and it'll make no difference at all.
A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse.
People just aren't taking it in.

I have to admit I've gotten some of it wrong. I still don't believe I'm wrong about people being unable or unwilling to know the truth when they see and hear it, but when your message is falling on deaf ears, maybe a change in how you approach getting the word out to them is in order.
Maybe what I was wrong about is that, yes - you do have to spoon-feed it to them.
Something else I'm sure I'm not wrong about is that it's not likely that I'm going to outlive the problem. This fight is going to take a long time - and more than a few lives.