Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label winger media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winger media. Show all posts

Friday, April 19, 2013

Malkin Blows Another One

And be sure to spend most of your day watching DumFux News - that way you're sure to stay dumb enough to spend most of your day watching DumFux News.

Seriously - what the fuck's wrong with these people?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Today's Nonsense

So the DumFux News affiliate in Hartford CT ran a story about Women's Day at the Capitol, and the 'b-roll' (the video they run so you have a visual to go with the copy being read) - yeah you prob'ly already guessed - it was nuthin' but tits.

Don't get me wrong here: I like boobies; bazongas; headlights; cans; melons; honkers; breasts; mammaries etc ad infinitum.  I like female, and I like all that 'female' implies which happens to include the tasty sensual and sexy bits.

I am also not stupid, and so I know about a little thing we grownups like to call "appropriate to time and place".  We also call it "respect for the wholeness of a human being", and sometimes we call it "trying not to think with your dick once in a while".

But I digress.  Take a look:

First, this kinda crap doesn't happen by accident. Some producer sat in a meeting and made a decision about what b-roll to put on the air; and even if that producer delegated the actual decision to an underling, that underling chose clips from the file footage that he/she knew to be in keeping with whatever is Standard Operating Procedure according to the station's and/or the network's style book. Those jiggle shots didn't happen by accident. Of course, the affiliate's PR folks tried to claim otherwise:

Second, this shit happens a lot at DumFux News, but somehow the "apology" never includes a mention of any disciplinary action being taken against the Producers, Associate Producers, Reporters, Editors, Interns, et al.

The kicker though is that a majority of viewers who called the station about the story were pissed off and that's what prompted the apology.

When 51% of DumFux viewers find something on Dumfux News objectionable, I have to take it as a good sign.

(more than a) hat tip = Crooks & Liars

Friday, March 08, 2013

Yo, Glenn

...ya wanna get my flag up off the fuckin' floor, please?

Not that long ago, he called himself a rodeo clown.  I think maybe he's turned into something else now.  I haven't seen much of him for a while, but - holy crap, dude - you might make a bit more sense and be a lot more watchable if you started to drinkin' again.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


David Frum was kind of ousted and shunned by the "conservatives" a while back - because it seems he re-activated his gag reflex, and still just can't go along with all the junk being peddled by the "Conservative Entertainment Complex".

Give a listen (via Crooks & Liars):

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Women In Combat

The obvious question: Is this what DumFux News claims is their unbiased approach to reporting the news during the day, and saving all the commentary for the evening shows?

But really, at about the 1:50 mark, Lizard-brain Trotta decides that the American fighting man is so outa control; so totally lacking in discipline and professionalism that of course he's gonna rape somebody - how can he help it when them wimmins is right there next to a big ol' steamin' hunk of love junk like his own bad self!?!

Yo, rubes - if you "honor the troops" so fuckin' much, how come you think they're all a bunch of slaverin' dogs?

Liz Trotta has no soul and no honor.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Our Mr Brooks

Everybody just loves taking Bobo down.  And I just love watching it.

From Balloon Juice:
... These traits—narcissism, self-righteousness, self-indulgence and intemperance—are core to the modern conservative movement, but they are embarrassed by them. They like to pretend they belong to somebody else and so they invented fantasy memories of the 1960s complete with phantom hippies as the home for their shadow material.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Teleprompter Meme

Via, Obama's addiction to the teleprompter isn't quite what the wingers want us to believe.  Well, I'm shocked - y'mean the wingnuts would actually make shit up!?!

The picture circulating thru the blogosphere:

The reality of the part of Obama's visit that was spent with the 6th graders:

Friday, October 02, 2009

David Brooks

This is pretty interesting.  NYT has an OP-Ed piece by David Brooks today that calls the influence of the Righty-Winger Media (Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, et al) an illusion.  Main point is that their rise in popularity has coincided with the decline of the GOP's electoral success.

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc?