Oct 14, 2013

A Question

Repubs are trying to "save face" by offering to fund the federal government piece by piece - which I think is another lie being peddled to us by the Press Poodles because the Repubs have mostly won already. The Dems are in practical agreement on budget numbers that are very near to Paul Ryan's wet dream of a government funded at Wal-Mart Wage levels.  But that's another rant.

Here's my question: Which part of Da Gubmint do you think this guy was fighting for?

Or do you think that maybe he just kinda understood that it makes no sense fighting to  improve something if you don't fight to keep it alive?

A Mob

These mush-brained TeaParty dipwads really are just a fuckin' mob.

And BTW - when the Bloglodytes on the "conservative" side throw the term Lynch Mob at The Libruls (and their own guys now too) with such regularity and dispatch, one thing ya gotta figure is that they're employing the same ol' same ol' tactics of Straw Man and Projection.  Cuz y'know what - if lynching somebody is not on your mind (or on your agenda) then why do you keep bringing it up?

Second - isn't a lynch mob pretty much what happens when your system of government breaks down?  And one step further - which party has been speaking so stridently and working so diligently to rid us of this meddlesome government?

So, the TeaTards had a little get-together at the White House over the weekend...

...because they actually believe the crapload of crap they've been fed about "A Citizens' Grand Jury" and how it's OK for them to show up in DC to "arrest the Prez" and how they aren't really a buncha racist Neo-Confederacy assholes at all.

(hat tip = The Richmonder)

When it gets this fucked up, it almost never ends well.

And from Democratic Underground:

Watching It Die

If you think too many people are voting for the wrong things, then the logical thing to do (if you're the GOP anyway) is to make it harder and harder for 'em to vote.

We've seen this in the Repubs' attempts to push down on voter turnout, because they know more people who tend to vote for Democrats will be affected than the other way.

And so now, we can take the same kind of tactic and turn it on the Representatives of We The People, and just make it so that nobody gets a chance to vote at all.

It should be pretty clear by now that this "Republican Party" is in the thrall of an authoritarian cadre who increasingly exhibit the behavior of people who are not the lovers of freedom and democracy that these assholes claim to be.


"The Majority Leader" referenced in the rule Van Hollen is trying to address (House Rule XXII, Sec 4) is Eric Cantor - who may think he's in the catbird's seat, but may yet turn out to be the fall guy.

There was a time I really didn't think Eric Cantor was on board with the wingnuts.  I tho't I could see something in his demeanor that told me he was just trying to deal with the "factionals" as best he could.  No more.  I think Cantor's fears and ambitions have gotten the better of him.

Anyway, if you think your democracy's in some kind of trouble, the solution never includes cutting back on democracy itself.

Don't be a rube.

What It's Costing Us

We're allergic to paying for the things that actually make us exceptional - and I'm not talking about the empty rhetorical bullshit being peddled by "conservatives".

Oct 13, 2013

Typical American Boy

Amazing Rhythm Aces:

Sunday Jam

Curtis Stigers - I Don't Want To Talk About It Now

Today's Quote

Explaining the Repub strategy on Shutdown/Debt Ceiling impasse:

"The rules are: I go first, and I refuse to take my turn.  And you can't take yours until I'm done.  I know you're upset, but we're both to blame here, so let's negotiate: I agree to take my turn if you agree that I win." -- Stephen Colbert

Owning Responsibility

Via HuffPo (I know - sorry, but even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while):
As a result of the Supreme Court's 2010 ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission (FEC), a handful of moneyed interests have managed to circumvent the democratic process and engineer a government shutdown that nobody else wanted. The forces driving the current shutdown are just the latest indication of a disturbing trend in American politics: Elected officials increasingly feel accountable to a vanishingly small percentage of the population with the financial means to threaten their political existence instead of the voters they're elected to represent.
As summarized by a recent New York Times article, we've learned that the shutdown was planned months in advance by a very small but incredibly wealthy network of outside interest groups. Roughly three dozen well funded political organizations signed off on the "Blueprint to Defunding Obamacare," which outlined the strategy of using a government shutdown as leverage against the healthcare law, back in February -- nearly eight months before the shutdown went into effect. A Supreme Court hostile to any efforts to curtail the corrosive influence of money in politics has given these groups free reign to enforce this strategic vision, will of the people be damned.

And meanwhile, this is Antonin Scalia:

Oct 12, 2013


All The Girls Love Alice - Elton John

Raised to be a lady by the golden rule
Alice was the spawn of a public school
With a double barrel name in the back of her brain
And a simple case of Momma-doesn't-love-me blues

Reality it seems was just a dream
She couldn't get it on with the boys on the scene
But what do you expect from a chick who's just sixteen
And hey, hey, hey, you know what I mean

All the young girls love Alice
Tender young Alice they say
Come over and see me
Come over and please me
Alice it's my turn today

All the young girls love Alice
Tender young Alice they say
If I give you my number
Will you promise to call me
Wait 'til my husband's away

Poor little darling with a chip out of her heart
It's like acting in a movie when you got the wrong part
Getting your kicks in another girl's bed
And it was only last Tuesday they found you in the subway dead

And who could you call your friends down in Soho
One or two middle-aged dykes in a Go-Go
And what do you expect from a sixteen year old yo-yo
And hey, hey, hey, oh don't you know

If Only I Could Again

Walk This Way - Aerosmith

Big Ten Inch Record - Aerosmith

Repeating Myself

I think I posted this one before.  Don't care.  Great tune and ridiculously interesting presentation.

Somebody That I Used To Know - Walk Off The Earth

(studio release version)

The Cup Song

Anna Kendrick

Featured in Pitch Perfect

Abbey Road

I Want You/She's So Heavy - Beatles


Today's Pix

Oct 11, 2013