Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, September 24, 2010

Your Tax Dollars At Work

A Little Something To Remember

I was reminded today of something I hadn't tho't about for a long time.  It popped into my brain as I was half-listening to an interview with Jimmy Carter on his new book.

It was during Carter's term that we formalized diplomatic relations with China.  Nixon first made the effort at rapprochement, but it was Carter's actions that made it all real and concrete.

A Democrat actually followed up and followed thru on an initiative of a previous (and VERY) Republican president.  So I'm thinking that's what real bi-partisanship looks like.  Not the bullshit we hear about now.  Where is that kind of thing now?

Quick Note

The culture war is back in a big way, and one of the favorite themes is "Poor Down-Trodden Rich People".

It's become Accepted Political Fact that the top 1% of Income Earners make 19% of Adjusted Gross Income, but they carry 37% of the tax burden.  What nobody ever seems to notice is that these same 1%-ers actually own 43% of the wealth.

If your argument is all about taxing people according to the benefits they receive from the economy, then you must be in favor of raising taxes on the Top 1% to more closely reflect the benefits they get.

Just sayin' - everybody oughta pay for what they get.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Endorsed by Sarah Palin, Renee Ellmers is running for congress in NC's 2nd district.  Here's an ad That shows a lot of what's wrong with politics in general; and what's wrong specifically with these "New Repub Insurgents".

Shouldn't somebody be asking: What exactly does she propose to do to prevent people from building this "mosque"?

What Just Happened

Some good things have just kicked in, no thanks to Repub and Blue Dog opposition to healthcare reform laws.
  • Many plans will be prohibited from placing lifetime limits on medical coverage, and they will not be able to cancel the policies of people who fall ill.
  • Children with pre-existing conditions will not be denied coverage.
  • Dependent children will remain on their parents' health insurance plans until age 26.
  • Private plans must cover peventive services with no co-payments, and with preventive services being exempt from deductibles.
  • Insurers will no longer be able to cancel your health insurance retroactively due to an unintentional mistake made by you or your employer on your paperwork.
  • A way to appeal insurance company coverage determinations or claims is established along with an external review process.
  • States are granted money to investigate unreasonable rate hikes by private insurance companies.

Little Republicans


It's about equal rights.  It's about trying not to be on the wrong side of history.