Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, June 22, 2012

Who's Side?

I'll have to ask for a temporary suspension of Godwin's 1st Corollary so we can play a quick round of Political Scattergories.  Quick - tell me which side of the standard Conservative/Liberal divide do you think this butthead fits best.

From Addicting Info:
The Mission statement of his current group:
“WE BELIEVE that the current government in America is run by Jews,” and, “WE BELIEVE that the Jews [sic] main goal is the total annihilation of the Aryan race, heritage, & culture.”
Mullet states that not only does he not believe President Obama was born in America, he believes Obama is the anti-Christ, (Ethos Magazine in 2010). On his web post on the American National Socialist Party forum, March 13, 2011 Paul wrote:
”Typical Nigger Behavior and they want equal rights? Really is America that far gone that they can not [sic] see that you can take the nigger out of the jungle but not the jungle out of the nigger.”

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Heart And Soul

My maternal-side Grandpa owned a grocery starting in the early 20s, and when the Depression hit, he became pretty well-known locally for his huge heart and willingness to extend credit for those in need - even to the point of having forgiven thousands of dollars in accounts receivable well after the time most of his customers got back on their feet again.

As I learned something about politics, I always assumed he was a fairly "typical Liberal Democrat", but my mom set me straight on that one, telling me he was a life-long Republican and near-extreme conservative who hated FDR and The New Dealers with a passion.  That took me by surprise, and it made me understand that there's a kind of paradox that's always existed in American politics, but has recently begun to disappear at an alarming rate.

I guess it comes down to my favorite Tom Morris quote from his book, If Aristotle Ran General Motors: "There is no contradiction in having a hard head and a soft heart".

So anyway, this is not the heart and soul of American Capitalism, because there is no soul, no heart, and no honor in it:

This is the real deal, because this is where all the heart and the soul and the honor is in American Capitalism:


Payback's a muthafukka, bitch.


..."conservatives" are pussies.

The "French" Thing

Back in 2004, Repubs smeared John Kerry by saying (essentially), "He seems a bit - I dunno - French".

Anybody notice how French the word "Dressage" is?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Flame Up

Sister Simone Campbell:

Not crazy about mixing church with politics, but when somebody finally figures out that Jesus is no Republican, it's good to let her speak - to remind the followers what lies are hidden in all the bible-thumping bullshit coming from certain usurpers and false prophets.  And to get "good Catholics" back to doing what's right for them to do.

(and BTW: this is what a real Conservative looks like and sounds like)


..."conservatives" really are a bunch of cowering, wimpy little pussies who have nothing but a childishly violent reflex to practically everything that happens around them.

And there's an ample supply of hucksters who're more than willing to take 'em for a nice ride.

hat tip = Crooks and Liars

Bald-Faced Hypocrisy

"Conservatives" are always whining about something, and one of the big ones has been what they spin as Obama constantly apologizing for us overseas.  Never mind the fact that he doesn't do that, it's what "conservatives" need us to believe, so they just lie their asses off, knowing we won't check, cuz we're don't pay any attention anyway.

So I'm wondering what this might mean to their little agenda of mendaciousness - oh yeah, I forgot - it'll mean nothing because if they just ignore the facts, then the facts don't count cuz - see paragraph above.

The US House of Representatives voted unanimously in favor of N 683, which issues an official apology to the Chinese people for the series of anti-immigration bills (including The Chinese Exclusion Act) from the 1880s.

U.S. House of Representative apologize for Chinese Exclusion Act (pg A4)
Beijing Youth Daily/Beijing Qingnianbao (Daily, circ. 650,000):
Hong Lei, spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that China has affirmed the U.S. House of Representatives' move. As an immigration nation, the U.S.'s development is closely connected with various ethnic people including the Chinese in the United States. The Chinese Americans should be fairly evaluated and respected. Zhao Maxim* said in past 25 years there were only 3 apology bills being passed in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Thus the apology bill this time has created history for Chinese Americans.
*Zhao Maxim = US Rep Judy Chu (D, CA-32)

It passed UNANIMOUSLY - as in no Repubs voted against it.

Mark It Zero, Dude

The wisdom of The Big Lebowski proves the extreme stoopidity of "we're all safer when we all have guns in all circumstances".

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Middle Class Blues

Oh, the horribleness of a life lived in the midst of middle-American privilege.