Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, September 10, 2012

Buy This Book

...right now.

Pic O' The Day

Can somebody tell me if this kinda thing pops up at Obama's rallies?  I think there has to be some probability just because campaigns are closely scripted in a lotta ways, but where is the equivalent - the "both sides do it" example?

Maybe the reason they can't come up with anything true to say about their plans and policies is that they're just so darned busy manufacturing enthusiasm for their candidates.

(hat tip = Crooks & Liars)

Sunday, September 09, 2012

The Big Lie Works (?)

"There's no plausible scenario under which it really constitutes a serious attack on welfare reform," Ron Haskins, who is now co-director of the Brookings Institution's Center on Children and Families, said in an interview with NPR that aired on Wednesday.
Haskins spent 14 years on the staff of the House Ways and Means Committee's Human Resources Subcommittee, first as welfare counsel to the Republican staff, then as the subcommittee’s staff director. In 2002, he was President George W. Bush's senior adviser on welfare policy.
Willard seems unable to convince "the base" of his credibility as a true conservative, so I think that's why he can't let up on the bullshit. The wingnuts insist on hearing nothing but "Obama's a bad guy", so that's what he has to give them every day.

Post Truth Politics

You know we're pretty well over the edge when Neil Newhouse (Romney campaign pollster) says, "We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers.”

From Slacktivist (linking to Political Animal - Steve Benen):
Over the past 30 weeks, Mitt Romney has told lie after lie after lie: I, II, III, IV, V, VI,VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII,XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX.
Click those links. Read the lists. List after list of lie after lie. Hundreds of them — 533, to be exact, although Benen does not make any claim to providing a comprehensive chronicle.
And to put it all together, Mr James Fallows:
Reporters are happiest, safest-feeling, and most comfortable when in the mode of he-said, she-said. "The president's critics claim that he was born in Kenya; administration spokesmen deny the charge." But when significant political players are willing to say things that flat-out are not true -- and when they're not slowed down by demonstrations of their claims' falseness -- then reporters who stick to he-said, she-said become accessories to deception. This is the problem The Atlantic's James Bennet discussed from Tampa yesterday, in a dispatch about the Republicans' false-but-endlessly-repeated claim that the Obama administration is coddling welfare recipients by dropping requirements that they work.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Today's Pix

All this shit is on the "phone" in my pocket

Religious Freedom

(with slight editorial license - hat tip = Democratic Underground)
Pick only "A" or "B" for each question.

1. My religious liberty is at risk because:
A) I am not allowed to go to a religious service of my own choosing.
B) Others are allowed to go to religious services not of my choosing.

2. My religious liberty is at risk because:
A) I am not allowed to marry the person I love legally, even though my religious community blesses my marriage.
B) Some states refuse to impose my religious beliefs about marriage on those two guys who're standing in line down at the courthouse.

3. My religious liberty is at risk because:
A) I am being forced to use birth control.
B) I am unable to force others not to use birth control.

4. My religious liberty is at risk because:
A) I am not allowed to pray in private.
B) I am not allowed to force others to pray publicly and/or in the manner of my choosing.

Friday, September 07, 2012

Bring It

So I used to be like:

But now, I'm all like - c'mon - get at me, Bro:

Hot Lesbian Action - And A Gun.

This is either a really strange visualization of a Red-Blue Centrist Compromise or plain ol' porn - or both.  I dunno - sometimes I hate my brain.

Just Sayin'

The Tea-publicans love America and hate Americans - and they lose if everybody votes.