Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, August 16, 2013

Egyptian Quickie

I don't know what Obama's supposed to do about Egypt - I don't know that any of it is up to anybody but the Egyptians.

What we all do know is that whatever Obama does, the Repubs are gonna shit on him for it, so he might as well take his best shot no matter how it plays in Punditsville or Kibitzburg or Blogistan.

So it comes down to this:  we have to look after our own, and in the Middle East, "our own" = Israel.  Without Egypt's willing support, the Arab-Israeli Peace Deal goes straight into the shitter and we're right back to 1977; and an Islamic Theocracy in Egypt (even a "democratically elected" one) is bad for that peace deal, which would be bad for Israel, which would be bad for us.

I don't like it; we seem to be stuck in a kind of World-According-To-Kissinger loop where we think the only thing we can do is to maintain the balance of terror.

Gotta be a better way.

Last One

Fuck you, NSA

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Today's Pix

Cousin Magilla Sez

...fuck you, NSA

The Cost Of Doing Nothing

My youngest was recently recruited for a study being done at UVa's Behavioral Sciences Dept - what the hell; somebody's gotta be able to figure this joker out - anyway, while I was there yesterday signing the waivers and various other forms, pretending to be a responsible adult who's able to understand the 5 pages of disclaimers and willing to abdicate any and all rights to any and all recourse if anything goes "wrong", what I remember most about the visit was getting the feeling that we were at some cut-rate "Med School" in the Caribbean or some such.  The offices weren't dirty and dingy, but they weren't spiffy and newly painted either.  And the furniture would have to be upgraded three or four levels to qualify for the discount section at the Goodwill Thrift Store.

And I remember thinking this is another in the string of daily reminders that we're getting dragged down by what I consider our National Allergy To Paying For The Shit That Matters.

And then this pops up at HuffPo, talking about what's happening to most of our once-great research infrastructure:
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. -- On the first floor of Jordan Hall at the University of Virginia School of Medicine is a 12-by-8 room that, at first glance, looks like a rundown storage space. The floor is a mix of white, teal and purple tiles, in a pattern reminiscent of the 1970s. Trash cans are without tops and half filled. There are rust stains on the tiles, and a loose air vent dangles a bit from the ceiling.

You wouldn't know from his giddy, optimistic tone that Dutta is currently navigating the biggest obstacle of his career. Five years after he received a $1.3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to undertake this microRNA project, he's nearly out of cash. His proposal was placed in the 2nd percentile of all grants reviewed by NIH in 2007, meaning that it was deemed more promising than 98 percent of the proposed projects.

When he asked for the same amount of money in 2012, his proposal was scored in the 18th percentile. In years past that score may have been good enough, but in the age of sequestration, NIH is supporting a much smaller pool of applicants. Late last month he was told that there would be no funding. UVA has stepped in to help, but Dutta estimates that 40 of his colleagues are in the same boat.
"I am living off of fumes," he says.
A feeling of despair has taken hold within research communities like Dutta's, Top officials at academic and medical institutions have grown convinced that years of stagnant budgets and recent cuts have ushered in the dark ages of science in America.
For-profit companies can play a role too. But they are much more likely to support projects with a clear return on investment, leaving explorative research like that being done by Dr. William Jackson at the Medical College of Wisconsin in the lurch.
Since 2007, Jackson has studied how viruses create a pool of membranes inside a cell. He hypothesized that viruses went into these "acidic vessels" in order to turn the cell into a factory for other viruses, meaning that if he could stop the development of these membrane pools, he could stop the spread of the virus itself. Most promisingly, he found that chloroquine, which is used to fight malaria, could be used to disrupt this process.
Despite the potential ramifications of such a finding -- everything from the common cold to foot-and-mouth disease is thought to follow this pattern -- the private sector won't fund the work. "There is no money to be made from chloroquine," Jackson said. "Only if the drug companies found something they could copyright or patent would they do it."
Here's a guy named JJ Thompson:

In the 1890s, Thompson was first in proposing the existence of subatomic particles, and the first to show real evidence of what he called a 'corpuscle', which soon would become known as the electron - which was nothing but the birth of The Electronic Age which is exactly how I can post this shit here on my blog (and how you can read this shit here on my blog).

Oh yeah - the guy was on the royal payroll at the time - in fact he spent pretty much his entire career as a gubmint worker - and his research was funded by the British taxpayer.

So go ahead and build your simpleton's ideology around some stoopid precept like "Starve The Beast", but try to remember that the beast you're so busy starving might be the one leaving all these golden eggs all over the joint.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Out Of Chaos

That'd be lovely wouldn't it?  To wake up one day and hear something like, "Well, would you just look at that - we're all out of chaos today".  OK - sorry about that.  Let's get on with the incoherent rant.

The point is that eventually, patterns emerge from a series of chaotic events.

Weather is a chaotic thing, but over some period of time, we can identify a pattern called Climate.

An individual behaves in different ways day-to-day, but we can see a pattern develop, and we call it Personality.


I've been feeling kinda frazzled the last several years, trying to keep up with all the weirdness that's been coming from "Politics", where it seems like somebody is making a concerted effort to change - fundamentally - the way we approach governing ourselves.

There's more than an ample number of specific examples so I'll skip forward here, and say straight up that the main proponents for these changes wear the "Conservative" label, and that most of them are also tagged with "Republican".  But for me, the two big examples that really stand out are these:
  1. "Wall Street" (in the general sense, ie: Banking/Investment/Insurance/etc) came really close to blowing up the whole world.  They bought off politicians, and they bought off the regulators, and they bought off the voters - and when their little scheme imploded, they had the perfect solution - they extorted their way out of it.
  2. The National Security Regime.  Don't be fooled into thinking this is all about Big Brother/Big Gubmint.  The massive structure of Security Nation was put together by people who are  zealots about small-government.  Criticizing them for being hypocrites means nothing because growing the government is not what they're doing.  They're busily taking a public-controlled function and turning it into a private enterprise - not accountable to anybody for anything.
The pattern?  Blame The Gubmint, of course.  Same shit, new day.

Blame the government for bailing out Wall Street instead of holding Wall Street accountable for causing the meltdown that left us with a very limited menu of really shitty choices.

Blame (typical no-good rotten traitorous "gov't employee") Edward Snowden for giving away government secrets instead of addressing the fact that those secrets are all pointing at the hundreds of billions of tax dollars being funneled into the pockets of a very short list of shell corporations trying to control the flow of information.  Let 'em argue about Whistle-Blower protections.  Let 'em argue about privacy.  Let 'em argue about a Journalist's Sources.  They can argue about any-fuckin'-thing they wanna argue about, but don't let 'em start thinking they can find out what's going on in time for them to do anything about it.

So I don't have to look at each crazy thing that falls out of some Repub's tater trap (and I don't have to spend any ergs trying to out-insight some Dem either) - all I have to do is look for how this new piece of bullshit lines up with the rest of the bullshit they've been piling up for the last 35 years.  

Focus on the First Thing - the GOP has turned sour; it's a one-trick pony; it needs a diaper change; they never say anything that isn't aimed at trying to make us believe our democracy doesn't work and that we should get rid of it and turn the whole thing over to a board of directors... How the fuck did these guys get to be known as Patriots and Real Muricans in the first place?  

This is a very old game, and we're supposed to be the exception to it.  We gotta get these fucks outa there.

Kids Say The Darnedest Things

Like - fuck you, NSA.

Today's Pix