Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Weirdly Ironic

A Twitter pal pointed out:

This fall, we'll probably elect the first woman POTUS.  
And I promise it's all good and I'm down with that -
 but I'm still pullin' for the old white guy.


Today's What If

What if no women voted for Trump?

Happy Day, You Muhthuh

Today's Quote

"America is a complicated, conflicted country founded by Puritans, constituted by libertarians and built by salesmen."
– Mark Simpson

Friday, May 06, 2016

Coupla Toons

Quietly Friday

Pavane, Op 50 --Gariel Fauré

Pavane For A Dead Princess --Maurice Ravel
(see if you can hear The Beatles in this one - hint: And I Love Her)

Marriage D'Amour --Richard Clayderman

Adagio in G Minor --Tomaso Albinoni

Nocturne in E Flat Major --Frederic Chopin

Romance for Piano and Violin --Anton Dvorak

Solace --Scott Joplin

Today's GIF

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Today's Nostalgia

The more things change, the more they stay the same?

It shouldn't come as a big surprise that people start thinking in terms of "vast conspiracies" when the things most of us want to see change don't change.

Today's Tweet

Sometimes, it's easier to feel a little more charitable towards people who need to see "the hand of god at work".

But ya gotta confine your desire to apply that shit to the stuff you choose to know nothing about, and stop trying to shoe-horn god into the things that the nerds have already figured out.

Nerds rock, baby.  Love the nerds.