Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, October 06, 2017


'Twas ever thus, and ever thus 'twill be.

Bob Cesca

Something I think most of us missed (I did anyway) - Jody points out the staging of 45*'s little paper towel stunt. (starts at about 11:00)

Which underlines this crapola thing that's been bouncing around Facebook:

see also - Snopes

Today's Pix

Today's Tweet

Only a year ago

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Today's Tweet

Obviously it's coming from the blue side of the aisle, and this "new development" is speculative for now, but holy fuck - this sounds a lot like they're zeroing in. 

We're not talking about whether or not the rat-fucking took the form of direct interference. 

We're not asking, "did that interference take the form of illegal/criminal activity?"  

It's not even, "How did Russia manage to target their shit so perfectly?"

Yes, it was direct interference
Yes, it's criminal.
Yes, the Russians had to have someone helping them from the inside.

Merkley is now asking, "Who provided the analytics the Russians had to have in order to put just the right messages in front of just the right eyeballs?"

In Other News

The Daily Beast:

During Wednesday’s Senate hearing on the Equifax data breach, a protester dressed as the “Monopoly Man” from the board game photobombed Equifax CEO Richard Smith’s testimony.

While the CEO discussed his company’s breach that affected 145.5 million people, the protester gazed skeptically through a monocle at the back of his head.

The protester, who is named Amanda Werner, tweeted a photo fully decked out in Monopoly’s Rich Uncle Pennybags attire, complete with the top hat, mustache, and monocle. Werner is a campaign manager for the Americans for Financial Reform coalition and the nonprofit Public Citizen.

In the tweet, Werner explained that the prank, while distracting, was meaningful.

Don't ever forget that "Tort Reform" is coded language used by coin-operated politicians to make it sound reasonable for their client corporations to fuck us out of our right to seek redress through the courts.

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Today's GIF

Running it in reverse gets at the truth about the king of the laughing hyenas

Our National Religion

Bob Costas from some years ago, which might just as well have been yesterday - or tomorrow or whenever the next installment comes in this stoopid monetized ritual of sacrifice to the god of steel dick substitutes.

Keith x2

On Puerto Rico and Ammosexuals

Trae Crowder

There's got to be a line. When is enough enough?