Slouching Towards Oblivion

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Black Sites For Babies

First they came for the libruls, but I wasn't a liberal...
Then they came for the moderate Republicans, but I wasn't...
Then - black sites for babies. Concentration camps for kids.  What the fuck, America?

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The Professional Left Podcast
PO Box 9133
Springfield, IL 62791-9133

Today's Tweet

Friday, June 15, 2018

A Judge Who Gets It

I have to think it's unlikely because all kinds of weird shit can happen for people who're really close to the top of the power pyramid, but there's a real probability that Paul Manfort will spend the rest of his life in prison, starting today.


A federal judge ordered Paul Manafort to jail Friday over charges he tampered with witnesses while out on bail — a major blow for President Trump’s former campaign chairman as he awaits trial on federal conspiracy and money-laundering charges next month.

“You have abused the trust placed in you six months ago,’’
U.S. District Court judge Amy Berman Jackson told Manafort. “The government motion will be granted and the defendant will be detained.”

The judge said sending Manafort to a cell was “an extraordinarily difficult decision,” but added his conduct left her little choice, because he had allegedly contacted witnesses in the case in an effort to get them to lie to investigators.

“This is not middle school. I can’t take away his cell phone,” she said. “If I tell him not to call 56 witnesses, will he call the 57th?” She said she should not have to draft a court order spelling out the entire criminal code for him to avoid violations.

“This hearing is not about politics. It is not about the conduct of the office of special counsel. It is about the defendant’s conduct,” Jackson said. “I’m concerned you seem to treat these proceedings as another marketing exercise.”

And we still have a "president" who's going to keep pretending for the rubes. It's not that he doesn't get it. And it's not that he's pretending not to get it. He intentionally creates a different "reality", and the rubes pretend it's the way things are.

Trump added that Manafort “worked for me for a very short period of time.”

Today's Tweet

May the fake lord bless you and keep you, Mr Oswalt.

Today's Pix

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Today's Tweet

I'm always in complete support of my country, ie: the founding principles as stated in the constitution (whether or not those principles have been realized).

I support my government - and the people running that government - when I think they've earned it.

Earn cookies, eat cookies.
Earn shit, eat shit.

Today's Today

June 14 is flag day, and as a public service, I'll try to clear up a few things.

This is the American flag:

This is NOT the American flag - this is the flag of quitters and losers:

And this is not the American flag - it is also the flag of quitters and losers:

As a bonus, this is the last Confederate flag.
It's the only one that matters, and the only one worthy of honor:

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Today On The Toobz

Overheard on Twitter:

Yesterday, Larry Kudlow said "there's a special place in Hell" for Justin Trudeau. 

Today, Mr Kudlow suffered a heart attack.

And the karmic kicker is: now he has a pre-existing condition and could easily be denied coverage because of the GOP's plan to scuttle ACA.

Tuesday's Tune

Reina del Cid

Today's Tweet

Enjoy that freedom thing while it lasts.