Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Milestone Comin'

100,000 is a threshold number.


Imagine an American city of a hundred thousand people. A city that was here celebrating New Year's Eve, and has since been wiped clean off the map.
An American Hiroshima.

About this time tomorrow, we'll pass that threshold.

NYT has done a good job trying to help us visualize the loss.

Scroll down thru the piece and get a sense of what's happening to us - to those around us.

As the Degrees Of Separation get narrower - as the disease gets closer to us personally - it should start to become more of a priority.

But let's not kid ourselves about who and what Americans have become. We've made Reality TV and Pro Wrestling the pinnacle of American popular culture. We love "real-life" drama and tragedy.  Especially when we can take some of it and rub it all over ourselves in order to attract the attention of a world we generally see as uncaring - because we've made it that way.

How's that for "Irony is dead, part "?

It's like we've nationalized some weird version of Munchausen's Syndrome By Proxy - or maybe it's the logical outgrowth of the old OPM - except that instead of gaining unearned benefit from Other People's Money, we can tap into the psychological benefits of Other People's Misery. We can manufacture sympathy and reap the rewards without having to go through any of the real suffering ourselves.

We are a nation of sick fucks.

COVID-19 Update

Usually, there's a pleasant sense of expectation on Memorial Day weekend. We can try to remind ourselves that the day is intended for reflection, and for honoring our dead, but the general feeling is that summer is here and it's time to kick up our heels and celebrate the arrival of good times.

Expectations are a little weird this year.

As millions of Americans have poured into tight spaces in Ocean City MD, and Lake Of The Ozarks, et al, there's a sense more of dread than celebration.

We can hope for it all to work out, but there's no one with a living thinking brain who believes COVID-19 will magically disappear and that we won't see another wave even before the first one subsides because of our complacency.

As always, hopeful but not optimistic.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Today's Tweet

'Scuse me, ma'am - could I borrow your mask for the next 5-7 minutes please?

COVID-19 Update

We should top the 100,000 dead Americans mark by Memorial Day, which means - because of course it does - 45* will dispute the numbers.


Here’s what you need to know: White House questions the coronavirus death toll and pushes to reopen churches.

As the number of United States deaths from the pandemic approaches 100,000, President Trump and members of his administration have been questioning the official coronavirus toll.
Even as most experts say that the numbers are probably an undercount, White House meetings have turned to questioning whether the toll is inflated by the inclusion of people who died while infected by the coronavirus, but of other conditions.
Mr. Trump told reporters on Friday that he accepted the current death toll but that the figures could be “lower than” the official count, which is now above 95,000. Dr. Deborah L. Birx, the White House’s coronavirus response coordinator, has said that America has taken “a very liberal approach” to what counts as a Covid-19 death.
Most statisticians and public health experts say the death toll is probably far higher than what is publicly known, because early Covid-19 deaths were probably misclassified and people are dying in their homes and in nursing homes without being tested.

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