Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, May 13, 2013

Here We Go Again

Along the same lines as a post from a few days ago (Why Benghazi?), here's what I imagine is the Repubs' plan for running against Hillary - which of course is not going to be about running against Hillary at all.  It's always about running against those godless socialist librul bastards, no matter who the individual happens to be.  It's how the swarm-brain works; and it's what makes the rubes do what the "conservative" bosses want them to do.

They have a few items in their basket already - Fast & Furious, Solyndra, ACORN, The New Black Panther Party, Benghazi, etc -  and now they have the IRS thing.

I know you're ready to jump in and tell me it's all a crock, so I should say right here and right now that it makes no difference that any random 12-year-old could dismantle each of those "scandals" after about 10 minutes with The Google.  That don't matter cuz that ain't the point.

You could prove nine ways from Sunday that taken together, the entire body of evidence in favor of anything these pricks are trying to tie to Hillary's tail is about the size of a positive hydrogen ion and it wouldn't matter because that's not the fucking point.

The point, my darlings is that when the time comes, one of the main themes of the Repub message will be: "Aren't we all a little tired of this constant scandal?...the libruls have been in charge for 8 long years and all they ever bring us is disappointment and corruption and abuse of we really want more of this? blah blah blah..."

And of course it sounds oh so very familiar because that's what Turd Blossom threw against the wall in 2000, and it just looks to me like they're setting that frame again, gearing up for another go at it.  It's generic enough to fit anybody wearing the Dem label, but it's almost a custom fit for Hillary.

The kicker is that the Repubs fret and whine about "all this scandal" when they're the ones (generally) making way more of these things than is warranted; bringing up all the bullshit as if it was the biggest thing since Kim Kardashian's ass - so they're really saying, "We'll keep making life miserable for everybody until ya'll get your minds right and hand everything over to us".

Don't be a rube.

And ya heard it here first.

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