Slouching Towards Oblivion

Saturday, September 07, 2013

20/20 Hindsight

Wes Clark's been trying for a while to get us to step up and understand what's happening.  Not that he knows everything, but he's a smart cookie and he's been around the block more than once, and he seems at least to have maintained his sense of the need for those checks and balances to prevent too much power from being concentrated in too few hands.

What really strikes me is that even when "the Neo-Cons" - guys like Cheney and Rumsfeld - aren't "in power", they still somehow have the stroke to get us to take on these disgustingly imperial (ie: mercantile) projects.

One other thing:  Eventually, we gotta get hip to ourselves and start to understand that if we lose the need for the oil, the Middle East loses its strategic primacy, and we can stop letting the Saudi Royals (eg) use our Oil Jones to make us dance to whatever tune tickles their fancy at any given time.

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