#ActInTimeDEADLINETime left to limit global warming to 1.5°C 4YRS125DAYS10:19:10 LIFELINELand protected by indigenous people43,500,000km²Peruvian farmer takes Germany's RWE to court in landmark climate case | German emissions fell 3.4% in 2024, on track for 2030 climate goals | London’s pollution drops after expansion of clean air toll | China unveils plan to boost green equipment manufacturing | Ireland donates $16 million to Brazil's Amazon Fund | Britain to invest £1.8bn on home energy saving upgrades | Scientists identify more than 800 new species in global Ocean Census | A bird last seen by Darwin 190 years ago reappears on a Galapagos island | Report says solar & storage accounted for 84% of new US power added in 2024 | Mexican women defied drug-dealers, fly-tippers & chauvinists to protect the environment | Peruvian farmer takes Germany's RWE to court in landmark climate case | German emissions fell 3.4% in 2024, on track for 2030 climate goals | London’s pollution drops after expansion of clean air toll | China unveils plan to boost green equipment manufacturing | Ireland donates $16 million to Brazil's Amazon Fund | Britain to invest £1.8bn on home energy saving upgrades | Scientists identify more than 800 new species in global Ocean Census | A bird last seen by Darwin 190 years ago reappears on a Galapagos island | Report says solar & storage accounted for 84% of new US power added in 2024 | Mexican women defied drug-dealers, fly-tippers & chauvinists to protect the environment |
Showing posts with label neocons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neocons. Show all posts

Oct 6, 2015

Refresher Time

Not milk and cookies so much - well, maybe, but grab enough for a couple meals or whatever; this can take a while.

The Power Of Nightmares Part 1: Baby, It's Cold Outside 

Jun 4, 2015

Some Tweets

Feb 17, 2015

Get 'Em, Charlie

Charlie Pierce is a fucking hero:
William Kristol is what you find at the bottom of a dumpster outside of a think tank on a hot day in July. Nobody has been more wrong about more important things with more devastating consequences, and somehow remained out of jail or a locked ward. A chickenhawk's chickenhawk, he slaves constantly to send other people's children off to be maimed and to die, and he still gets invited to all the best places as a "public intellectual." Yeah, and Charlie Manson taught thoracic surgery. But, against all possible odds, he may have outdone even himself this time.
Searching for new ways to call the president a coward -- And we'll get to the obvious joke in a minute -- he fastens on the two-fisted youth of Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel who has been invited by John Boehner to come over here and heckle the president as part of Netanyahu's campaign to compromise the president's foreign policy intiatives regarding Iran. The sneer behind the words is what you see on the face of a jackal that has found an apex predator to hide behind. 

Sep 7, 2013

20/20 Hindsight

Wes Clark's been trying for a while to get us to step up and understand what's happening.  Not that he knows everything, but he's a smart cookie and he's been around the block more than once, and he seems at least to have maintained his sense of the need for those checks and balances to prevent too much power from being concentrated in too few hands.

What really strikes me is that even when "the Neo-Cons" - guys like Cheney and Rumsfeld - aren't "in power", they still somehow have the stroke to get us to take on these disgustingly imperial (ie: mercantile) projects.

One other thing:  Eventually, we gotta get hip to ourselves and start to understand that if we lose the need for the oil, the Middle East loses its strategic primacy, and we can stop letting the Saudi Royals (eg) use our Oil Jones to make us dance to whatever tune tickles their fancy at any given time.