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Jun 4, 2014

Dear Mr Congress Critter

Monthly email from my congress critter, Bob Hurt:

I'm no longer willing to make nice with elected officials who're living on my dime while they're so obviously not doing what's in the best interest of the people they're supposed to be representing.  

Now, you may well postulate that by being something of an asshole in my responses, it's little wonder they seem not to be interested in what I have to say, but hey - they weren't listening to me in the first place, so what the fuck difference does it make?

Here's what I wrote back:

“This month, it was reported that over 800,000 people dropped out of our labor force in April -- reducing the labor force participation rate to a 35-year low. Many communities in the Fifth District continue to experience unemployment rates well above the national average, and our rate of recovery from the economic downturn has been weak. That is why the House of Representatives has adopted dozens of pro-growth proposals that would help jumpstart our economy and get us back on track. However, the President and the Senate must join in our effort. It is my hope that in the coming months we will be able to find bipartisan common ground in encouraging job opportunities for Virginians and Americans, and I remain committed to continuing to work toward this crucial goal."

So it seems pretty obvious that you and your GOP colleagues (both in DC and in Richmond) are doing a spectacularly shitty job for us here at home, and as always, you're all more than willing to work very hard to find anyone other than yourselves to blame for the crappy conditions your constituents are struggling with.

You are in charge in the House, Bob.  And you are in charge in both houses in Richmond, Bob.

Stop wasting my time and my money on astoundingly stupid things like Benghazi, and start moving on things like clean energies and Medicaid expansion and public health and a livable wage and other fair labor laws and any number of issues - you know, Bob - the things that might actually help somebody here in CD 5 instead of being solely for the benefit of the cronies on Wall Street and K Street and up in NOVA and Crystal City and downtown Richmond.  These are the things everybody knows will help push the economy forward and help get more of us back on track - everybody seems to know this except you and the nitwit rubes that you scam on a regular basis.

Or is it really that you're doing a terrific job of punishing the great unwashed until they cry uncle and roll over for whatever scraps you and your pimps are willing to throw their way?

I'm not the only one who knows you suck, Bob.  And I'm not the only one who's hip to the tricks.  Some of those rubes are starting to wise up too.

Mike Roberts

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