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May 12, 2016

Trump Sucks

A lot of times, we need validation. We need some reassurance that others think the same way we think about something.

So just in case you weren't really sure about just how awful Donald Trump is; in case you needed any confirmation at all - that it's not just you - here's a handful of reactions from outside USAmerica Inc (and most of these are our friends):



British Prime Minister David Cameron called Trump’s anti-Muslim comments “divisive, stupid and wrong.”

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox called Trump a “hated gringo” and “ugly American,” and said that “I’m not going to pay for that fucking wall.”

Former Mexican President Felipe Calderón pointed out that Trump’s policy isn’t just offensive — it also doesn’t make sense. “It’s going to be completely useless,” Calderón said. “The first loser of such a policy would be the United States.”

Earlier this year, Trump said he’d consider halting oil sales from Saudi Arabia to the U.S. In response, Saudi Prince Turki al Faisal urged Americans to “make the right choice” and not vote for Trump. Turki, who is Muslim, also disavowed the presidential candidate’s Islamophobic comments.

Sigmar Gabriel, Germany’s economy minister and vice chancellor, said that Trump is “not only a threat to peace and social cohesion, but also to economic development.”

Saving the best for last:

That last one's from an Aussie ex-pat named Illma Gore, who filed a police report claiming she'd been punched in the face by a Trump supporter in LA, for having posted the picture on social media.

Sometimes, this joint is just too fuckin' weird for words.

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