Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, September 12, 2016

HRC's Episode

Some tweets:

I'd rather they just come out and tell us what's going on. I think I understand that they don't wanna make her the center of attention in order to countervail the fact that Trump superimposes himself on everything in sight; and they believe they always have to protect her from the shit that everybody throws at her every minute of every day and blah blah blah - but she's gonna catch that shit either way, so I think she's better off if they stop trying so hard to be cute with it and just let her own it.

"Yeah - I tho't it was just the usual allergies that bother me this time of the year.  Turns out I have pneumonia.  And then I did a coupla campaign stump speeches and a fund-raiser or two, and a buncha other work-type stuff, and then I sucked it up on a Sunday and went to a 9/11 memorial and I started feeling really bad and I had to take a little break - because pneumonia, bitches.  Do ya think Presidents get to call in sick every time they feel a little funky?  I'm gonna do this job, and I'm gonna keep on doing this job, and they're gonna have to carry me out in a fucking box before I stop doing this job.  Hear what I'm sayin'?  Good - what else ya got?"

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