Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

In The Age Of Poe

A twitter user calling himself Richard Tator (Dick Tator - get it?) put up a silly tweet:

I think it's a safe bet that he was trying to get in on the massive slagging Piers Morgan got when he said he was looking forward to seeing "his lionesses" beat the US women's World Cup team because Megan Rapinoe dissed 45*, but he seems to have dropped himself in the shit by not recognizing how deep we are in the morass of unreality and competing narratives.

Poe's Law: without a clear indicator of the author's intent, it is impossible to create a parody of extreme views so obviously exaggerated that it cannot be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the parodied views.

So people swarmed him - apparently thinking he wasn't just being cheeky - and I'm left to wonder if they took him seriously or if maybe some of them were "going along with it" thinking they were being awesomely ironic. 

But then again maybe some of them just wanted us to think they weren't fooled when they really were, and so they were only pretending to be shocked when they were actually arch villain conservatives in disguise trying to get us to think they were on our side when they were really infiltrating our ranks and just trying to stir us up to keep us distracted, and this shit is making my fucking head hurt.

So maybe it's all part of the plan. 

Or maybe not.

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