Aug 22, 2021

Booed In Alabama

Mo Brooks gave a fiery speech on January 6, exhorting the crowd to kick ass and take names, because of course the election was stolen and they needed to storm the Capitol in order to "stop the steal".

Now, Mr Brooks is running for the seat of retiring Senator Richard Shelby, and he knows the bullshit they've been peddling is wearing thin and that it's possible he could be headed for prison about this time next year (I said possible - not likely), and he'd better start getting some things straightened around.

Anyway, another thing this change in direction is meant to accomplish is to get the rubes to stop reminding everybody of the failed coup attempt that he helped instigate.

(Notice how quiet Mike Lindell has been since that cluster fuck in South Dakota almost 2 weeks ago.)

Lie lie lie, then deny deny deny, then lie lie lie again.
  • "What you heard is not what you heard."
  • "What you saw is not what you saw."
  • "Listen only to me because only I can steer you to the promised land."
Mo Brooks had a featured spot at Trump's rally in Alabama last night, and when he floated the proposition that the rubes need to unhitch themselves from the previous pack of lies in order to support him in the brand new set of lies that he'll be pimping in his run for the Senate, they booed him.

I guess Brooks and his fellow Daddy State travelers are finding out that the Ship Of 50 Million Fools is a lumbering hulk that doesn't exactly turn on a dime and hand you 9 cents change.

Republicans keep creating these monsters. And every time, they seem unable to understand that once the latest version of the monster is loose, it's even harder for them to control it.

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