Aug 2, 2022

Fading Away

MSNBC - Morning Joe

Tickets on StubHub were available at about $1 for the throngs descending on the golf course in hordes of 2, and sometimes upwards of 3. It was a mad house.

The standard GOP play is in process - the erasure of a bad presidency. They're stuffing it all down the Memory Hole.

One major development is the (apparent) fact that somebody has gotten to Trump and convinced him not to announce for 2024 until after the midterms this fall. And that may have been as simple as the RNC telling him straight out that once he announces, they'll have to stop paying his legal bills.

Not that they've been all that good at following the rules on such things. 
Suddenly they're sticklers?

One other interesting tidbit: Trump may be getting hip to the changes going on. He may be more aware that his endorsement is becoming a kiss of death in a growing number of races, and while one of these things may have nothing to do with the other, this thing in Missouri looks a lot like he's hedging his bets to a ridiculous point. It could also be just a matter of Trump trying to be cute and clever - which makes him look even less serious about anything other than his own standing, but then again - when did that start to matter?

Anyway, in the Missouri GOP Senate primary, there are 3 guys named Eric running, at least 2 of which are Über-MAGA freaks, so Trump decided to issue his endorsement by saying he supports "Eric".

Meanwhile, DumFux News hasn't had Trump on their air in over 3 months.

Ari Melber - MSNBC

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